Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Before we set out on our walking adventure we needed to acclimatize to Europe. So naturally we spent a week along the southern Spanish coast hanging out with our friends Pete and Kathy Pajor. It was incredibly relaxing and a perfect segue from the hustle, bustle, and pressure of retired life. On Saturday they dropped us at the airport in Malaga and we flew to Stockholm, moving closer to our objective. 

Three days, that’s all it took to fall in love with Stockholm. The city is beautiful, easily walkable, filled with history, museums, and excellent restaurants, and of course some fun bars. My favorite was, without a doubt, Lucy’s Flower Shop, where Oscar made the most incredible cocktails I have ever tasted (that is saying something).

Other than alcohol, the highlight for me was the Vasa museum, the home to a fully preserved, early 17th century warship that sank in Stockholm harbor 10 minutes into its maiden voyage.  

Since it’s her sabbatical, and in the interest of marital harmony, we also visited the ABBA museum. I didn’t hate it. 

I would have loved a couple more days in Stockholm but we are on our way north to the outskirts of Sundsvall where we will start our real journey tomorrow. 

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Day 24

Vuku to Stiklestad  Distance: 6.7 miles / 10.8 km Cumulative: 265.6 miles / 427.4 km  “With this we may encourage ourselves, that we have a ...