Sunday, July 14, 2024


Trondheim was a wonderful place to decompress. After our triumphant arrival at the Cathedral we made our way to the hotel for long hot showers and cold bubbly champagne. We relaxed until dinner and then collapsed into the sleep of the dead. 

Kristine, in her brilliance, had booked a 75 minute couples Swedish massage for Friday morning. Apparently they don’t have Norwegian massages so they import them from Sweden. 

We spent a good portion of the afternoon touring the Cathedral. Since we are triple A rated, bona fide, pilgrims with a gold stamp in our pilgrim passport, we got in free. I guess that made the whole thing worth it. 

The art on the box tells the story of St. Olav’s death. 
He is buried somewhere under the church but there is no grave or tomb. 

While in the Cathedral, we ran into our pilgrim buddy Merel, who had just arrived. Later she joined us for dinner. 

Saturday we mostly walked around and explored the city. 

Today we are on the train to Gothenburg, Sweden for a day then on to Gotland Island in the Baltic Sea for six days of doing nothing. 

For those who like statistics:

Days on the trail: 30 (including the prologue)
Days walking: 27
Days resting: 3
Days with significant rainfall: 6
Days we needed cold weather gear: 1
Days we carried cold weather gear: 27
Miles walked: 331.5
Avg miles walked: 12.78 miles/day
Longest Day: 17.0 miles
Fastest mile: 18 minutes, 33 seconds 
Slowest mile: 32 minutes, 14 seconds
Miles walked in exactly 20 minutes: 6
Blisters: 1 (Melvin’s left pinky toe)
Number of falls: 1 (Melvin)
Times a train horn made us jump into the air: 1
Bathtubs: 14
At points we also counted hubcaps, lost gloves, and banana peels but lost track. 
Times we needed cash: 0
Things we carried but didn’t need: 
   Headlamps (It never got dark)
   Sleep sacks 
   Clothes line
   Camp towels 

It has been fun writing this. Thank you to everyone who followed along. We look forward to seeing you soon and regaling you with more stories. 


  1. Kristine is brilliant! You both deserved that massage I’m sure. Thank you for writing this and taking us with you on your pilgrimage

  2. Gotland!! There are very cute sheep there. Have a great time. Robin

  3. Congrats again! Trondheim looks lovely. Enjoy Gotland and some well earned respite.

  4. Thank you for allowing us to follow along on your fantastic journey. Love the bike shop with the bike coming out of the wall! Enjoy your rest!



Trondheim was a wonderful place to decompress. After our triumphant arrival at the Cathedral we made our way to the hotel for long hot showe...