Thursday, June 13, 2024

Day 1

Selåger to Matfors 
8.9 miles / 14.3 km
Cumulative 13.4 miles / 21.55 km

The official starting photo at the pilgrim center in Selånger

“The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the road has gone, and I must follow if I can.” J.R.R. 

St. Olavs church in Selånger

A perfect day to start our walk. Hi 50s at the beginning and mid 60s by the end. Today’s relatively short stage went through gently rolling hills across mostly agricultural land. We also spent a couple of miles in a heavily forested park where we encountered our first mosquitos. It was beautiful and relaxing, except the mosquitos. 

Everything is so green. 

We have arrived early afternoon in Matfors with a little less apprehension about what lies ahead. Tonight we are hosted by Fredrick who has promised us chicken and potato gratin. I am hoping to wheedle a beer out of him. 


  1. Did you get a beer? (This is Pete. Can’t figure out how to sign in)


Day 24

Vuku to Stiklestad  Distance: 6.7 miles / 10.8 km Cumulative: 265.6 miles / 427.4 km  “With this we may encourage ourselves, that we have a ...