Friday, June 14, 2024

Day 2

Matfors to Stöde
Distance: 16.5 miles / 26.55 km
Cumulative: 29.9 miles / 48.1 km

“Home is behind, the world ahead.” J.R.R. Tolkien 

This morning, before we left Fredrick’s place, I thumbed through a guide book for St. Olavsleden (St. Olav’s Trail). It wasn’t particularly helpful since it was all in Swedish. Before I abandoned it, an English passage caught my eye. In a weird coincidence, the book contained the exact Tolkien quote I used at the beginning of yesterday’s post. So I thought I would try another one today. 

Today was our first long day. I am happy to report that we are still married. Also, we finished the day in pretty good shape—tired, with some sore feet, but no blisters, muscle pulls, vomiting, etc. 

Today started with a quick visit to St. Olav’s spring outside Matfors. It’s where he hit the ground with his staff and water sprang forth. 

St. Olav’s Spring - it’s a little hard to make out the mosquitos. 

You are meant to drink the water for health, but I found it healthier to flee the mosquito swarms. 

Most of the rest of the day was on a one lane, hard-packed road through the forest with views of the idyllic countryside. A car would pass every 10-20 minutes. We had a couple of sprinkles after lunch so we donned our rain gear, but the rain never came. 
Our lunch spot. 

The wildflowers are crazy. 

We skirted the lake all day. 

We are spending tonight in a lovely cabin outside the home of Kirsten and Lennart. They fed us a terrific chicken and rice dish, with Swedish mud cake for dessert. And Lennart provided a beer. I love Lennart. 

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Day 21

Skalstugan, Sweden to Adalsvollen, Norway  Distance: 11.2 miles / 18.0 km Cumulative:  241.9 miles / 389.2 km “This wasn’t a strange place. ...